Learn to create meaningful content
Golden Gate bridge overlook
We all know it when we see it and experience. That great piece of content that compels us to do something. It draws us in and inspires us. We all love to consume it. But do we really know how to create amazing content?
I have dabbled around this in many ways over the lest ten years of my life but I really have never gone full force into doing it for myself. At least to where I was willing to really put myself out there along with some of the businesses I have been tied to. Not creating content I believe in is one of my biggest personal regrets.
There are many reasons why we don’t do it. The first is the fear. Fear of looking bad. Fear of being rebuked. Fear of being ignored. Fear of just not being good enough. Fear of learning. Fear of being an impostor. Fear of work. Fear of making time.
After I finished my masters back in 2008, I decided I was done learning for someone else and I picked up my first SLR camera. It was time to learn how to take pictures. I jumped all in and a year later I found myself being a weekend warrior and shooting twenty-two weddings and close to 80,000 pictures. Looking back, I was terrible. But I got better and I am forever grateful that I decided to grow that skill.
So now, here I am a decade later. The goal? Produce more content. Be a better writer. And the big challenge? Learn how to create video content. Being older, I almost feel even more scared even though I know and understand the process that I’m about to go through.
I believe that there is an artist in all of us. Someone that craves making something that really only we can create. Being an artist is hard. There are highs, lows, and to get good takes time.
Meaningful content to me is something that helps you create genuine connections with someone else. It is not about a sale. It is about the giving of yourself so that someone else may benefit. So my goal? produce an article and video each week for the next year. Thats it. Along the way I will learn better how to create, produce, edit, and share those messages. All lessons I hope to share. And hopefully as a result, my life as well as those that are dependent on me, will be a little more fulfilled in the process.